Thursday, August 14, 2008

Arthor , Orator, Philosopher, Teacher, Actor, Artist, Musician?

I think of myself as more of an artist. I have been dancing since I was a little kid, and it is still my passion today. I like to express myself through dancing, and I like to make the audience feel something from my dancing. I do not always think of what the audience would want to see me do, but I think of what I want to show the audience. I feel that the way I think is like an artist, because artists don't create what people want to see, but they create what they want to create and to show the world. In other words, artists are risk takers. Artists create what they believe is something meaningful or interesting, and they show the world; they express themselves to the world through art. It is not easy to show the world who you are and what you believe in, because there is always the fear of them not accepting you as who you are. However, artists are brave risk takers who love to express themselves. And I am one of them.


Napol said...

Yes It's true that artist need to take risk... A very important risk.

wandav885 said...

Beautifully said. Well done.